Timeline photos
I'm going to tell you a story I've never told anyone before. Only 2 people in my life know about it. There was a night at a party where I was seriously drunk. (that was nothing unusual.) There was this guy at the party that was just really bothering me. It was all philosophy and big thoughts at that time in my life. He was talking about some idea that was just making me irate. I can't tell you what it was now. But whatever he was saying just was making me insane. To make my point, of whatever the conversation was about, I took a butcher knife out of the knife holder and sliced my arm. I sliced it so bad the entire party cleared out. I had to go to the hospital and get about 6 stitches. I tried to tell the doctor that I slipped while cutting some vegetables. There is no way that guy could have believe that. That was close to 30 years ago and I can still see the scar. And I still cringe at the shame and embarrassment of it all every time I see it.